Detached house Bruckner

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Dream house from interior designer Norbert J. Bruckner

The ultra-modern single-family house by interior designer Bruckner in Natternbach is one of the most highly regarded objects in the region, not only architecturally, but also technically and in terms of building physics. In addition to design and high-quality materials, emphasis was placed on state-of-the-art technology and safety.

For keyless access control, the ekey flush-mounted finger scanner is used in the door station. It controls the house and garage doors with the swipe of a finger. Simple, convenient, safe.


Country: Austria
Product group: ekey home – single-point access solution
Commercial/Private Customers: Private
Products used: FS UP
Networked: No
Planning/Execution: Architecture Bruckner
Year of manufacture: 2012
Users: 4
finger scanner: 1
Special features: Door stations